A Picture’s Worth a 1,000 Clicks

For such a small camera, the Canon S90 packs a punch.

The camera never blinks.

This year I rediscovered my love for taking pictures and I have a cell phone to thank.

While the New York Times reported last week that people are increasingly leaving their point-and-shoots at home in favor for their cell phones, the HTC EVO 4G inspired me to purchase a Canon S90 point-and-shoot. I often take both with me when I leave home.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the EVO’s camera, but for me, nothing beats my Canon S90. It fits in my pocket and frankly takes fantastic photos. It’s worth every penny. But it was seeing the terrific photos the EVO took which made me hungry for something better. I found that in the Canon and frankly, couldn’t be happier.

I’ve used my camera at work to capture photos of new phones and wireless devices, our cell sites, events we’ve sponsored and tech events I’ve attended. Along the way, I’ve shared these photos with you via Flickr. I’ve also mixed in photos of friends, family and travel and places and events around Washington, D.C. where I live and work. (Here is a set of my 100 favorite photos from 2010.)

As I look at the traffic statistics for this site, my tech blog, Twitter and other social network sites I use, it’s clear that photos capture the interests of readers and drive readership. That really shouldn’t be a surprise — anyone who has ever created a print publication knows that — but in the online world it’s especially true.

Just look at the new profile page design for Facebook or the new home page for Gawker. These designs emphasize photography more than ever before. TBD, a new local news site in Washington, D.C. leverages readers’ photos — you can take a photo with your phone and transmit it as a news tip to the site via their mobile app. This means TBD is using its readers as staff photographers.

As I look toward 2011, I think we will see an explosion of user-generated content and I believe photography will stitch it all together. What’s really going to change things is when digital cameras start to come out with 4G data plans. What I wouldn’t give to be able to upload from my Canon as I shoot photos!

One response to “A Picture’s Worth a 1,000 Clicks

  1. My Palm Pre’s camera is a lot better than my previous cell phone (Treo 755p), but I still take more pics with my Canon SD780 IS. I carry both with me all over the place.

    Your idea of being able to upload pics from your Canon is cool. They have those SD cards with WiFi in them, but I’ve not tried one yet. Maybe Canon needs to add Bluetooth to their cameras (or an SD BT card solution) to transfer the pics to your phone for uploading.

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